The Grunduski Group Agency was selected for the 7th Year in a Row as Best of Gwinnett in the Marketing & Creative Services Category.
Per the Best of Gwinnett website, winners and nominees are chosen by a combination of readers’ votes and editors’ input. The process starts with a nomination on the Best of Gwinnett website and voting remains open for up to 10 months. Best of Gwinnett receive tens of thousands of votes and the process culminates with the publishing of their annual Best of Gwinnett issue.
Best of Gwinnett is a reader opinion and editors’ selection poll, not a scientific market research study conducted by an independent organization. Reader opinions are vetted thru several ranking sites, Better Business Bureau complaint reports, and voting pattern analysis reports before they approve their Best of Gwinnett and Among the Best winners.
Winners are named in more than 20 broad business and community sectors. Within each category, there are multiple organizations named as “Best”, “Among the Best”, or “Ones To Watch.” depending on the size of the market sector. Often, votes are distributed across several firms creating a virtual tie among many. With a county covering 437 square miles and a population around 900,000, Best of Gwinnett is happy to see so many standout businesses and organizations, and we are grateful as well! Thank YOU Gwinnett and friends! For more information on Best of Gwinnett – click here!